Sap Industrial Ltd. is a leading ball valve manufacturer in Ahmedabad. Our production unit of ball valves mfg is equipped with advanced technologies and the latest manufacturing methods. We hold all the latest testing capabilities, and thus our customers receive high-quality products from our valves mfg in Ahmedabad. Quality products at a competitive price are the trademark of our high pressure valve mfg. Our production engineers are capable enough to produce custom valves to suit the business and application specifications of our customers. Therefore, we are the most demanded service of control valve manufacturers in India.
Special Features
- Free floating ball design provides seat wear compensation and longer life.
- Provide fire safe design as per APO 607 / API 6FA / BS 6755-II with single point contact seat design.
- Blow out proof and Anti blow out stem construction.
- Micro-finished ball provides a positive seal.
- Straight through flow path for minimum pressure drop.
- Bi-directional flow.
- 90° (Quarter-turn) actuation.
- Wide selection of seat materials.
- Extended stem/extended bonnet design as per customer’s specific pipe line usage.
- Antistatic devices ensure electrical continuity between Body, ball & stem.
- Triple stem seal with accurate stem.
- Handle indicates flow direction.
- Valves meet the requirements of fugitive emission levels shell category B as per MESC SPE 77/312.
- ISO 5211 top mounting pad for simplified gear / actuator in 150#, 300# & 600# as optional in only flanged end design.
- Variety of end connections.