Among the gate valve manufactures in India, Sap Industries Ltd. hold a superior position. Our production units undertake the gate valve mfg using best quality components and methods. All our production activities in valves mfg in Ahmedabad meet the standards set by national and international agencies. Our products of globe valves mfg have longer functional life and performance consistency. Industries such as Fertilizers manufacturing, refineries and thermal power plants widely use the gate valves manufactured in our production units. Contact us for perfectly designed and well-crafted valves from our butterfly valve mfg units.
Special Features
- SAP Gate Valves are heavy duty, outside screw & yoke type, bolted bonnet, rising stem with non rising hand wheel.
- Straight through bore design assures streamlined, minimum turbulence, less erosion, lower pressure drop, & resistance to flow.
- Anti- friction bearings are provided in higher sizes and classes.
- Bi-directional shut-off.
- Deep stuffing box.
- The Seat rings are cylindrical bottom seated type having ample cross section for strength will provided with welded in and threaded Seat-rings will be supplied on request. Integral seat ring provides in SS valves.
- Gate Valves are available in 150#, 300# & 600#.
- Universal trim: 13Cr stem, wedge in CA 15 or 13Cr faced is also available.
- Flexible wedge with low center stem wedge contact, in solid CA15 (13 % Cr) or hard faced with 13% Cr, SS 316, & Monel. Wedge is ground and lapped to a mirror finish and tightly guided to prevent dragging and seat damage, Non-rotating stem with precision Acme threads and burnished finish.
- The two inclined seats allow for tight shut off even against high pressures. Renewable Seat Rings Welded or Threaded.
- Gate Valves are of flexible wedge, outside screw and-yoke and bolted-bonnet construction. The valves confirm to API 600.