Sap Industries Ltd. has become a trusted name for globe valves mfg in India today. The globe valves we manufacture are excellent in stopping, starting and regulating flow. We also thrive as one of the leading control valves manufactures in India. Reliability and performance are the two important concepts on which our butterfly valve mfg is based. We are the valve manufacturer in Ahmedabad selling and distributing a wide range of products to our national and global clients. ISI valves we supply meet the required quality standards. Our manufacturing units can produce valves that are demanded and required by every industry.
Special Features
- Rational structure, reliable sealing & sturdy
- construction to ensure excellent performance.
- Anti- friction bearings are provided in higher sizes and classes.
- Universal trim: 13Cr stem, wedge in CA 15 or 13% Cr faced is also available.
- Sap globe Valves are heavy duty, outside screw & yoke type, bolted bonnet, rising stem with rising hand wheel.
- Straight through bore design assures streamlined, minimum turbulence, less erosion, lower pressure drop, & resistance to flow.
- Deep stuffing box.
- The Seat rings are cylindrical bottom seated type having ample cross section for strength are provided with welded in and threaded Seat-rings will be supplied on request. Integral seat ring provides in SS valves.
- Globe Valves are available in 150#, 300# & 600#.
- Back Seat arrangement to provide isolation of Stuffing Box for On-Line serviceability
- Excellent sealing against increased line pressure.